Maarja Roosi

ENLIGHT Teaching and Learning Conference 2024

The fourth ENLIGHT Teaching and Learning Conference will take place at the University of Tartu from 7 to 9 October 2024. The conference theme is Innovation and Creativity in Higher Education.

The ENLIGHT Teaching and Learning Conference is an annual event that convenes teaching staff, programme directors, educational developers, students, and other stakeholders. Participants are invited to share their experiences and ideas on how to connect innovative teaching and learning practices with the ENLIGHT educational goals.

The conference will aim for sharing experiences and ideas on how to connect innovative teaching and learning practices with the ENLIGHT educational goals. The contributions by participants from both UT and partnering universities are in a variety of formats, from oral presentations and poster presentations to workshops and roundtables. The presentations and workshops will take place at the University of Tartu.

At the conference, the ENLIGHT Teaching and Learning Award will be awarded to a course which has implemented innovative international pedagogical approaches and/or learning practices related to the educational aims of ENLIGHT.

Further information about the conference can be found on the ENLIGHT web page.